**Conference Details**
- National Conference on "Empowering Future Educators for Sustainable Development: Innovations, Practices, and Challenges"
- Dates: December 17 & 18, 2024
- Venue: St. Joseph’s Training College, Pavaratty, Kerala
- Organized by: IQAC St Joseph’s Training College, Council For Teacher Education Foundation Kerala State, Navajyothi College of Teacher Education for Women
- Explore Innovative Pedagogical Approaches
- Promote Capacity Building for Educators
- Highlight Best Practices in Sustainable Education
- Address Challenges in Sustainability Education
- Foster Collaboration between Stakeholders
- Integrate Local and Global Perspectives
- Promote Research on Education for Sustainable Development
- Develop Actionable Recommendations for Policy and Practice
**Sub Themes**
- Innovative Pedagogies for Sustainable Development Education
- Integrating Sustainability into Teacher Education Curricula
- The Role of Technology in Sustainable Education
- Climate Change Education: Preparing Educators for the Future
- Community Engagement and Participatory Learning for Sustainability
- Interdisciplinary Approaches to Teaching Sustainability
- Social Justice and Equity in Education for Sustainable Development
- Global Competence for Future Educators in Sustainability
- Barriers and Challenges in Integrating Sustainable Development in Education
- Measuring the Impact of Sustainability Education on Student Outcomes
**Registration Fee**
- Research scholars / Faculty (with presentation): Rs. 500/-
- Research scholars / Faculty (participation only): Rs. 400/-
- Students (with presentation): Rs. 400/-
- Students (participation only): Rs. 300/-
- Accommodation at participants' expense
- Register through the provided link and upload the receipt screenshot
- Bank Details: Punjab National Bank, Ac/Number: 4333000100082237, IFSC code: PUNB0433300
**Resource Persons**
- Dr. Anna Neena George: Innovative pedagogy for biodiversity conservation and sustainability
- Dr. Pramod Dinakar: Pedagogical approaches and competences for Sustainability Education
**Target Audience**
- Teacher Educators, Research Scholars, Student Teachers, School Teachers, Principals, Headmasters, Managers, Special Educators, Psychologists, Resource Persons, Social Workers, Parents, and others interested in education
**Call for Papers**
- Papers should be in MS Word format, 1.5 line space, Times New Roman, font size 12, A4 size paper, within 4 pages
- Follow APA style manual (6th edition) for references and citation
- Submit full papers by email to sjtcconference@gmail.com
- Important dates: Submission of full papers by 08-12-2024, Registration by 10-12-2024
**Certificate and Proceedings**
- E-certificate for all registered participants
- Hard copies for offline participants/paper presenters
- Selected papers will be published in an edited book with ISBN after peer review and plagiarism checking