Monday, September 30, 2024



Time: 06.30 PM

Platform: Google Meet


Discussion on Manual prepared in connection with various awards instituted by CTEF Kerala chapter

Members present

Dr.Sam V Daniel – Convenor– CTE Award Committee

Prof.Dr. Rajeswari K 

Prof.Dr. K. Sivarajan

Prof.Dr. Bindu C M

Prof.Dr. Malini P M

Ex –Officio members

Dr. M.S. Geetha –  Chairperson

      Prof. Dr.Nimmi Maria Oommen - General Secretary 

Dr.Premachandran P – Treasurer 


The meeting started at sharp 06.30 pm through Google meet  platform. The meeting started by seeking blessings of God almighty through silent prayer.Dr.Nimmi Maria Oommen, General Secretary - CTEF welcomed the gathering and introduced the themes. Dr. M S Geetha presided over the meeting. She presented the agenda and requested all the committee members to actively contribute in the discussion. After effective academic deliberations, Dr.Premachandran P, Treasurer expressed vote of thanks in the meeting. The meeting came to an end by 08.15 PM.

Decisions Taken

Dr. M.S Geetha Chairman mentioned that Dr.Anilkumar K P, Principal DevakiAmma Memorial training college has expressed his interest to give an award for the B.Ed topper of University of Calicut under the name of CTEF. The award committee discussed this matter and came to a decision that in the upcoming international seminar, it is not possible to proclaim such an award as it is not approved by General Body. So at the time of seminar, this proposal can be put forward in the general body meeting for approval so that the award can be given  next academic year onwards.

Dr. Sam V Daniel expressed his doubt about whether the mark allotted for general qualifications of part A is very low (15 marks) when considered. The meeting discussed on this concern and came to a conclusion that the present ratio, i.e, 15: 85 should be maintained.

Dr. K sivarajan expressed his views regarding the awards listed under item numbers 2 and 4. he opined that the general criteria mentioned for these two awards should be redefined to make some differentiation between these two awards. The award committee discussed this matter and agreed to make necessary changes in the criteria after careful scrutiny.

Dr.Nimmi Maria Oommen raised her doubt regarding whether the certificate courses are to be considered for weightages for various awards. Dr.Rajeswari K suggested that including certificate programmes for award screening will bring out certain confusions and and ensuring the authenticity of these certificate programmes is a tedious task. So considering these issues, Dr. M S Geetha with the consent of committee members had decided to avoid the certificate and diploma programmes from the screening process for various awards in      Part A.

Dr. M.S Geetha on discussing with other members of the award committee had decided to split the 15 marks of Part A as follows;

Additional PG -  2 marks each ,limited to 6 Marks (Maximum 3 PGs)

NET/JRF - 2 Marks

PhD - 5 Marks

PDF - 2 Marks

For Dr.Soman Memorial Award, there was a doubt by Dr.Nimmi Maria Oommen that what does the administrative experience really means in the criteria. That is, whether the administrative experience is essential for a teacher who applies for this award.The committee members discussed thismatter  and redefined the administrative experience as follows;

Administrative Experience - HOD/IQAC Coordinator/NAAC Coordinator/NCC/NSS/Exam Theory Chairman/ Practical Examination Chairman/ Board of Studies - Chairman/ Board of Studies Member/ Student Advisor/RUSA/ Research Head - 10 Marks

It was decided to send official emails for the sponsors of various awards for encouragingthemto donate the fund for various awards of CTEF to the Bank account of CTEF( to be an agendum for the next executive meeting)

The title of one award was clearly framed and mentioned in the brochure as Dr. N D Joshy MemorialAward .

Chairman Dr M S Geetha assured that all the relevant modifications suggested by the members are to be carried out and the fool proof Manual will be presented on the next executive meeting for their approval and onward transmission to website.

The meeting decided that General secretary should coordinate the matters related to finalization of Brochure of upcoming International conference by giving suggestions for improvement with the Host college DevakiAmma Memorial Training College, Chelambra

It was decided to conduct an urgent online executive committee meeting on 30th Monday September 2024 at 7.00 pm in connection with finalization/extension  of the dates of application for Awards instituted by CTEF and the programme brochure for the Conference. 

Report was prepared by: Dr.Premachandran P, Treasurer CTEF Kerala Chapter

Report submitted to: Dr. M.S. Geetha –  Chairperson

          Prof. Dr.Nimmi Maria Oommen - General Secretary 

Dr. Sam V Daniel – Convenor –Award Committee

Dr.Rajeswari K - Award Committee Member

Dr. K. Sivarajan - Award Committee Member

Dr.Bindu C M - Award Committee Member

Dr.Malini P M - Award Committee Member