Thursday, September 12, 2024

Two-Day International Multidisciplinary Seminar on ‘Multi-Faceted Perspectives on Gender Education: Reaching the Unreached'

Two-Day International Multidisciplinary Seminar on ‘Multi-Faceted Perspectives on Gender Education: Reaching the Unreached'

Organized by: Titus II Teachers College, Tiruvalla in collaboration with Council for Educational Administration and Management (CEAM) and Council for Teacher Education Foundation Kerala State (CTEF)

Day I - 4th September 2024

Titus II Teachers college, Tiruvalla, in collaboration with The Council for Educational Administration and Management (CEAM) and Council for Teacher Education Foundation Kerala State (CTEF) has organized a 2 day International Multidisciplinary seminar on “Multifaceted Perspectives on Gender Education: Reaching the Unreached” happening in a blended mode on 4th and 5th of September 2024. The seminar is convened by Prof. Dr. Sunila Thomas, the Principal of Titus II Teachers College, coordinated by Prof. Dr. Nimmi Maria Oommen and Mr. Pramod Thomas George, and assisted by student coordinators Sam Simon and Diya Susan Mathew.

On 4th September the first day of the seminar took place offline, sharp at 10.10 am in the auditorium of Titus II Teachers College. The dignitaries present for the day were Dr. V. M. Sasikumar, the Founder President of CEAM, India, Dr. M. S. Geetha, Former Dean, Faculty of Education, University of Kerala, and National Working President, CEAM, India, Dr. G. Valsala, Former Principal of IASE, Thrissur, and Chairperson, CEAM, Kerala., Prof. Dr. Savitha Mishra and Prof. Dr. Rajeshwari . K.

The day began with an impressive inaugural ceremony that commenced with a prayer setting an inclusive tone for the event. The welcoming address was given by Prof. Dr. Nimmi Maria Oommen, the Seminar coordinator as well as the general Secretary of CEAM, throwing light towards the topic in concern. The presiding address was given by Prof. Dr. Sunila Thomas, Principal of Titus II Teachers college. The program was officially inaugurated by Dr. V. M. Sasikumar with his inaugural address wherein he shared his knowledge and insights on gender education. The keynote address for the day was given my Dr. M. S. Geetha whose vast expertise helped us in understanding the status of education at both local and national levels. The felicitation speech was given by Dr. G. Valsala whose powerful words emphasized the importance of understanding diverse gender perspective in today’s world.

The foremost highlight of the ceremony was the signing of MoU between Titus II Teachers college and CTEF which added an extra dimension to the seminar thus aiming to flourish a rich partnership among the college and the organization. After this a token of appreciation was given to each of the speakers thus marking an end to the inaugural ceremony with a vote of thanks by Sam Simon, the student coordinator.

After a short recess, the second session for the day commenced at 11.40am which involved the theme Presentation - I by Dr. Savitha Mishra on the topic: Gender Equality and Status of Women in India.

The third session was commenced after the lunch break 1.40pm which involved theme Presentation - II by Prof. Dr. Rajeshwari . K on the topic: Culture and Gender.

The fourth schedule for the day was the paper presentations by the participants from outside the Titus II Teachers college. There were a total of 7 presentations dealing various gender related topics. Along with that, there were 6 presentations by B.Ed. Students.  The chairpersons for the event were Dr. Saramma Chandy & Dr. Betsy Joseph E. who gave in their comments for the presentations. 

The last schedule of the day was online paper presentations at 6.30pm. Participants from outside the Titus II Teachers College presented their papers. There were 28 talks in all, covering a range of widely discussed gender-related subjects. The chairpersons for the event were Prof. Dr. Bindu .B, and Prof. Dr. Ancy A.S, Mar Theophilus Training College, Thiruvananthapuram, Prof. Dr. Asha Sindhu S.S, St. Thomas Training College, Thiruvananthapuram and Prof. Dr. Asha A K, Lords Universal College of Education, University of Mumbai. The chairpersons offered their feedback on the presentations.

This marked the end for the first day of the international seminar which all in together provided a platform for the exchange of ideas and experiences in the realm of gender education, with a focus on ensuring that education reaches even the most marginalized individuals.

Day II  – 5th September 2024

The seminar commenced with a moment of silent prayer. Mrs. Veena .P.  Viswam provided a brief summary of the discussions and presentations of the first day. The report was read to ensure that attendees were all informed about the key takeaways from the initial sessions. Ms. Neethu Mary Chacko extended a warm welcome to the participants, emphasizing the importance of the seminar's theme III and encouraging active engagement in the upcoming sessions.

Prof. Dr. Pramila Thapa delivered a powerful and informative presentation on the topic : Gender Disparity and Several Under Explored in Nepal. Her presentation highlighted on the often-overlooked contributions of women to the preservation and evolution of cultural traditions.

The second session for the day commenced at 10.40am which involved the theme Presentation - IV by Prof. Dr. Rashmi Singh on SDG 5 in Global Perspective.

The third session for the day commenced at 11.20 am which involved the theme Presentation - V by Prof. Dr. Mariamma Mathew on Gender Sensitization for Inclusive Development.

A short recess was given. The last schedule for the day was the paper presentations by the student teachers of the Titus II Teachers college. There were a total of 14 presentations dealing various gender related topics. The chairpersons for the event were  Prof. Dr. Sam Thomas Joy and Prof. Dr. Suramya Mathai, Titus II Teachers college and Prof. Dr. Tara S Nair, NSS Training College Pandalam, who gave in their comments for the presentations. There were a total of 58 presentations in online and offline mode in this two day seminar. A total of 151 participants were there for this International Seminar.

The last session of the seminar was the valedictory function. Ms. Diya Susan Mathew, the student coordinator welcomed the gathering. Prof. Dr. Sunila Thomas, Principal and General convener of the seminar, marked the closure of the International Multidisciplinary Seminar on Gender Education, expressing joy and gratitude for the seminar’s success. She thanked the coordinators Prof. Dr. Nimmi Maria Oommen and Mr. Pramod Thoams George and student coordinators Sam Simon and Diya Susan Mathew, who tirelessly worked behind the scenes. A particular highlight was the commendation of Rohan for efficiently managing the YouTube live streaming, ensuring the seminar reached a broader audience. And also she expressed her gratitude to the presenters, and participants for their contributions, highlighting the crucial role of teachers in fostering gender parity. She emphasized that teachers must not only instruct but also mold the next generation, instilling values of gender equality through lived experiences and education. She urged future educators to reflect on their duty to create a more equitable future, where gender parity is considered and encouraged in all aspects of life, inspiring attendees to embrace their role in shaping a better tomorrow.

Prof. Dr. Varghese K. Cheriyan, Principal of MACFAST College, Tiruvalla, delivered the valedictory address at the International Multidisciplinary Seminar on Gender Education, emphasizing the importance of parity and equality in education. He highlighted the progress made in achieving parity, with 100% enrollment of girls in education, but noted that true equality remains elusive. He stressed that equality means creating opportunities tailored to individual capabilities and potential, and called for methodological equality in learning. He reminded future educators of their critical role in promoting equality, particularly from a gender perspective, and urged them to teach mutual respect, confidence, and self-worth. His message resonated deeply, leaving the audience with the thought that teachers are agents of social change, with the power to instill values of respect, equality, and confidence in their students. Along with the valedictory function, celebrated teacher’s day. Ms. Riya Cheriyan delivered the vote of thanks.

The Two-Day International Multidisciplinary Seminar on 'Multi-Faceted Perspectives on Gender Education: Reaching the Unreached' provided a platform for rich discussions and knowledge sharing. The seminar thoroughly highlighted the multifaceted nature of gender education, the importance of cultural influences, and the need for inclusive and equitable approaches. The seminar contributed to ongoing efforts to promote gender equality and inclusive education. It is hoped that the insights and discussions from this seminar will inspire further research and actions to address the challenges in gender education and ensure access for all.

The seminar concluded with the singing of the National Anthem, symbolizing unity and shared commitment towards gender equality and education.

Thursday, September 5, 2024

International seminar on Gender education at Titus II Teachers College, Tiruvalla, Kerala

International seminar on Gender education at Titus II Teachers College, Tiruvalla, Kerala

Two-Day International Multidisciplinary Seminar on ‘Multi-Faceted Perspectives on Gender Education: Reaching the Unreached'

This Seminar was organised in Collaboration with CTEF Kerala and CEAM, India