Tuesday, July 30, 2024


Time: 6:30 PM
Platform: Google Meet
Upcoming/Conventions/Seminars/Conferences in collaboration with CTEF
Membership campaign for Research schlars
E content development
Website/Blog Updation
Fund raising to CTEF
Other matters with the permission of Chair
Members attended
Dr. M.S. Geetha – Chairperson, CTEF Kerala
Prof. Dr. Nimmi Maria Oommen – General Secretary, CTEF Kerala Chapter
Dr. V.M. Sasikumar – Patron, CTEF South Zone
Dr. Premachandran P – Treasurer, CTEF
Prof. Dr. Rajeswari K
Dr. Happy P.Y.
Dr. K. Sivarajan
Dr. Bindu K.J.
Dr. Bindu T.V.
Dr. Sheeja Kumari
Dr. Sr. Alice Joseph
Prof. Dr. V. Reghu
Dr. Arun Kumar
Prof. Dr. Maya S
Dr. Jayachandran M
Dr. K.P. Anilkumar
Dr. K.S. Sajan
Prof. Dr. Malini P.M.
Dr. Joseph Kacharayil
Dr. Saramma Chandy
Prof. Dr. Mariamma Mathew
Prof. Dr. Joju John
Dr. Anila Chacko
Dr. Omanaseelan
Prof. Jacob Mathew
Dr. T. Sundaresan
Dr. M. Vijayakumari Amma
Dr. Anu Mukund
Dr. Kerala Sreemathi
Dr. Anees Muhammad
Dr. Abdul Wahab
Dr. Valsala Thampan
Dr. Issac. Paul
Prof. Dr. Asha J.V.
Dr. Niranjana K.P.


The CTEF Executive Meeting was convened at 6:30 PM on 24 July 2024 via Google Meet. The meeting commenced with a silent prayer. 
Prof. Dr. Nimmi Maria Oommen, General Secretary of CTEF Kerala Chapter, welcomed the members and outlined the agenda. She encouraged all other participants to actively engage in discussing the agenda items. 
Dr. M.S. Geetha, Chairperson of CTEF Kerala, presided over the meeting and invited lively participation from all members in discussing the agenda items.
The following agenda were discussed in detail:

Organizing an Awareness Programme on ITEP in collaboration with KSHEC constituted Committee
Scheduling Annual Convention of CTEF Kerala along with the National convention 
Details concerning the International Conference organized by BNV College of Education
Fund Raising for CTEF, Kerala
Research Scholars’ Membership Campaign
Aspects of Website upgradation
Matters related to E - content development
FDP programmes

Awareness Program on ITEP: An online webinar cum brain storming session to raise awareness among all member- teacher educators about ITEP will be held on 10th August 2024 from 3pm to 5.30 pm via Zoom. This event will be conducted with the Co-operation of the ITEP Commission committee members in collaboration with Mar Theophilus Training College, Thiruvananthapuram. The webinar will feature a keynote address by Dr. Mohan B Menon, Chairman of the ITEP Committee constituted by the Government of Kerala, followed by a presentation by Prof. Dr. T Mohamed Saleem, Principal of Farook Training College, the Convener of the Committee. A discussion session will be followed to address the issues and challenges encountered by government, aided, and self-financing training colleges in Kerala in this context of ITEP introduction.
23 rd State Annual Convention: The Annual State Convention of CTEF Kerala and the National Conference of CTEF will be hosted by Devaki Amma Memorial Training College, Chelambra. The tentative dates for the conference are 6, 7, and 8 February 2025.
 Dr. K.P. Anilkumar, Principal of the College, confirmed that all necessary facilities and accommodations will be provided with the college. Mr. Ashokan Nochad, faculty of the college will serve as the seminar coordinator.
A committee was formed to develop the theme and subthemes for the convention, which comprises of Dr. K.P. Anilkumar, Dr. M.S. Geetha, Prof. Dr V Reghu,
 Prof. Dr Mustafa, Prof. Dr Mariamma Mathew, Prof. Dr. Maya S, 
Dr. Anees Muhammad, and Prof. Dr. Rajeswari K, Prof. Dr. Nimmi Maria Oommen, Dr. Premachandran P. The committee is entrusted for providing the final main theme by 05-08-2024.
Award Committee: An Award Committee was constituted for considering the 2024-25 awards instituted by CTEF Kerala. Dr. Sam V. Daniel was nominated as the Committee Convener. Other members include Dr. K. Sivarajan, Prof. Dr. Bindu C.M., Prof. Dr. Malini P.M., Prof. Dr. Rajeswari K., Prof. Dr. Joju John, Dr. Sajan K.S., and the Ex Officio members Dr. M.S. Geetha, Prof. Dr. Nimmi Maria Oommen, 
Dr. Premachandran P. The committee has to issue a notification for Awards before 25th Aug.2024, with the application deadline set for 15th October 2024. Awards will be announced on or before 15th December 2024.
Seminar Flyer and Brochure: The seminar flyer will be released by 15th August 2024, and the final brochure will be prepared after consultations with National CTEF Members.
International Conference: The CTEF-collaborated International Conference at BNV College of Education, Thiruvananthapuram, has been rescheduled to 6 and 7 September 2024. Further details will be provided by the college later.
Fund raising programme: Various strategies for fund raising in anticipation with the silver jubilee celebrations were discussed, which include:
Individual contributions from CTEF life members
Strengthening the membership campaign for Teacher educators as well as Research scholars
Increasing sales of CTEF publications at various colleges .
Seeking contributions from private banks and organizations through proper channel.
 Increasing Institutional memberships by sending emails to various colleges detailing the benefits of joining.
A minimum registration fee of Rs. 100/- to 200/ may be charged from participants for CTEF-collaborated online webinars organized by different colleges.
Promoting donations from well-wishers and supporters.
Sponsorships should be sought for various programs
Future collaboration programs the registration fee may be collected through CTEF account only.
Contributions for Fundraising: The following life members promised donations to CTEF fund raising programme. Their names and the amount they have promised are given below

Prof. Abdul. Wahab: Rs. 5000
Dr. Grace Annie Mathews: Rs. 15,000 ( 10000/- for Excellence Award for the upcoming conference and 5000/-as donation
Prof. Jacob Mathew : Rs. 10,000
Dr. K.S. Sivarajan : Rs. 10,000
Dr. V.M. Sasikumar : Rs. 10,000
Dr. M.S. Geetha : Rs. 10,000
Dr. K.P. Anilkumar : Rs. 5000
Dr. M. Vijayakumari : Rs. 5000
Dr. Valsala Thampan : Rs. 5000
Dr. Sam V. Daniel : Rs. 5000
Prof. Dr. V. Reghu : Rs. 5000
Dr. Saramma Chandy : Rs. 5000
Memorial Award: An award in memory of late Prof. Dr. A. Sukumaran Nair will be established. The title will be decided later date. The matter may be discussed with the family members of Prof A Sukumaran Nair.
Research Scholars Membership Campaign: Four Members have joined as Members from the Research Scholars group. The campaign to enhance the membership of research scholars will be intensified to attract younger members to CTEF. Ms. Sreekutty. S S, Research scholar from GCTE Thiruvananthapuram, was nominated as the CTEF Executive member and Office secretary.
Website Upgradation: Dr. Sajan K.S. emphasized the need for timely documentation for website upgradation. Photographs, brochures, and reports of programs should be submitted promptly. The website committee was updated by adding Dr. Anila Chacko, Dr. Niranjana K.P., Dr. Anu Mukund, and Mrs. Sreekutty. S S. to support Dr. Sajan K S.
E-Content Development: Dr. Sajan K.S. will oversee the development of e-content videos from the northern region, using NSS Training College, Ottappalam or Farook Training college as centers. Prof. Dr. Maya will handle the process from southern region, with Mar Theophilus Training College, Nalanchira, as a center.
Faculty Development Programmes (FDPs): Five or Seven-day FDP programs will be organized by CTEF in collaboration with other colleges of teacher education in the state. Sr. Dr. Alice Joseph, the principal of St. Joseph's Training College, Ernakulam, is willing to take up the first FDP probably in the last week of September or the first week of October 2024 focusing on any one of the themes - Artificial Intelligence, Research methodology, ITEP, NEP 2020 etc.. Prof. Dr. Rajeswari K and Prof. Dr. Malini P.M were entrusted to give time table for FDP. Prof. Dr. Nimmi Maria Oommen, General Secretary-CTEF will do the additional arrangements. 
Dr. Premachandran P, Treasurer, provided a consolidation of the key decisions made in the meeting followed by the vote of thanks.. The meeting ended at 9:00 PM.

              Prof. Dr. Nimmi Maria Oommen Dr. M.S. Geetha
      General Secretary, CTEF Chairman, CTEF