Dear CTEF members, Last Executive meeting has decided to give away the Covid warrior Award,both Institutional and Individual, under the title Karma Sreshta .It is a special award constituted by the committe for distributing during the 21st Annual Convention of CTEF Kerala. The points of criteria are given below. The last date for submission of application is 28th November 2022.
For the Special Award Committee
Dr. M.S Geetha, Chairman, Special Award Committee
Application for Covid Karmasreshta Award-Individual
( Use separate sheets for indicating the details each section)
Name of the individual with Designation :
Name of Institution :
Experience in different fields/level :
Whether a member of CTEF Kerala : Yes/No
I. Extension activities done
during the Covid period
( from 2020-22 and continuing)
A. Within the Institution
B. Outside /locality
( Individually and in group)
II. Awareness Programmes
Organised (online and offline
with proof)
A. As Resource person
B. Any other level/capacity
III. Charity work done in the
form of cash and in kind
Donations/assistance /support and
nature of participation
A. For individual sufferer
B. For sufferers of Covid
C. For patients at hospitals / alternative shelter
/any other isolation facility shelters
IV. Teacher /student/public empowerment programmes conducted
A. As Resource person
B. As Convener/Coordinator/Participant
C. Any other level/capacity
V. Work done other than those mentioned above
during Covid period( with proof like commendation
certificates/ covid warrior awards/identifications/photos etc.)
Application for Covid Karmasreshta Award-Institution
( Use separate sheets for indicating the details of each section)
Name of the institution :
Year of establishment :
Whether an Institutional member of CTEF Kerala : Yes/No
I. Extension activities done by
Institution during the Covid
period (from 2020-22 and continuing)
A. Within the Institution
B. Outside /locality
II. Awareness Programmes
organised by the institution
for students/teachers/public
(online and offline with proof)
A. Institutional level (inside)
B. Outside /locality
III. Charity work done in the
form of cash and in kind
donations/assistance /support
and nature of participation
A. For individual sufferer
B. For sufferers of Covid
C. For patients at hospitals /
Alternative shelters
D. Rendering Conveyance facilities
IV. Empowerment programmes
conducted at Institutional Level /
in collaboration for
A. Students
B. Teachers
C. Public
V. Work done other than those mentioned above
during Covid period (with proof like commendation
certificates/ covid warrior awards/identifications/photos/any other)