Sunday, January 16, 2022

Criteria for the Awards instituted by CTEF, Kerala ,2020-21

Criteria for the Awards instituted by CTEF, Kerala ,2020-21

Application for the award for/  The Teacher Educator of the Year - B Ed Level  / Inspiring Teacher Educator/ The Talented Writer in Teacher Education/ Most Committed Teacher Educator for Extension work/   The Best Administration and Management / The  Best Teacher Educator of  the Year at D. Ed Level/  The Innovative Researcher 

 ( Please give a tick mark to the award you want to apply for. Applicants can apply for more than one award, one set of supportingdocuments  is necessary.)  

Title : Application for the award  of---------------------------------------------------------------------- 

  1. Name with official  address, Address of   residence,Phone number, and email id, and photo 

  2. Qualifications ( SSLC onwards)

  1. No. of years of experience as teacher/ teacher educator/principal/administrator in Educational Institutions 

  2. Experience  as : Expert/Resource person /Key note presenter/ Panelist/ Theme paper presenter/  Convener / Co-ordinator/ Organising secretary of the programmes like Seminars/ Webinars/ Workshops/ Conferences/Meetings etc.

  3. Experience in Research field

  4. Experience  as  administrator

  5. No.of Publications / Books with/with out  ISBN/ articles with/without ISSN

  6. Experience in editing work in books/journals etc.

  7. Extension work/ Confidential work/ Community Involvement/ Participation in 

  8. Govtl/Non Govtl organisations

  9. Leadership  in other fields

  10. Projects undertaken

  11. Positions held in academic bodies  in Organisations/Universities like Board of Studies/Faculty/Academic council/Expert  etc

  12. Any other Commendable services/ Achievements/ Awards etc.

  13. Participation and involvement in CTEF Activities

  14. Awards secured from  CTEF  (with year)

N.B :

  • Every criterion filled up by the applicant  shall be followed by  supporting documents.

  • All the applicants shall fill up the Criteria from I to III.

  • Minimum 5 years of experience in College of Teacher Education at Secondary level is essential for  applying all awards given above except for the award at 

D. Ed Level.

  • Experience in Research field include  Guidance in M Ed, M Phil, Ph D or any other Post  graduate  degree research/ Production of Ph.D / Guideship in universities / adjudication of theses /No.of Ph D produced/  Minor and Major  Research Projects  

  • Award  for  the Best Administration and Management - Minimum 3 years experience  as  Principal/ Head  in  Colleges of Teacher educations / Dept of Education    is essential

  • Those who are awarded once by CTEF(State/National) can apply for the next award only after 3 years.

General Secretary                Award Committee  Chairman