Criteria for the Awards instituted by CTEF, Kerala ,2020-21
Application for the award for/ The Teacher Educator of the Year - B Ed Level / Inspiring Teacher Educator/ The Talented Writer in Teacher Education/ Most Committed Teacher Educator for Extension work/ The Best Administration and Management / The Best Teacher Educator of the Year at D. Ed Level/ The Innovative Researcher
( Please give a tick mark to the award you want to apply for. Applicants can apply for more than one award, one set of supportingdocuments is necessary.)
Title : Application for the award of----------------------------------------------------------------------
Name with official address, Address of residence,Phone number, and email id, and photo
Qualifications ( SSLC onwards)
No. of years of experience as teacher/ teacher educator/principal/administrator in Educational Institutions
Experience as : Expert/Resource person /Key note presenter/ Panelist/ Theme paper presenter/ Convener / Co-ordinator/ Organising secretary of the programmes like Seminars/ Webinars/ Workshops/ Conferences/Meetings etc.
Experience in Research field
Experience as administrator
No.of Publications / Books with/with out ISBN/ articles with/without ISSN
Experience in editing work in books/journals etc.
Extension work/ Confidential work/ Community Involvement/ Participation in
Govtl/Non Govtl organisations
Leadership in other fields
Projects undertaken
Positions held in academic bodies in Organisations/Universities like Board of Studies/Faculty/Academic council/Expert etc
Any other Commendable services/ Achievements/ Awards etc.
Participation and involvement in CTEF Activities
Awards secured from CTEF (with year)
N.B :
Every criterion filled up by the applicant shall be followed by supporting documents.
All the applicants shall fill up the Criteria from I to III.
Minimum 5 years of experience in College of Teacher Education at Secondary level is essential for applying all awards given above except for the award at
D. Ed Level.
Experience in Research field include Guidance in M Ed, M Phil, Ph D or any other Post graduate degree research/ Production of Ph.D / Guideship in universities / adjudication of theses /No.of Ph D produced/ Minor and Major Research Projects
Award for the Best Administration and Management - Minimum 3 years experience as Principal/ Head in Colleges of Teacher educations / Dept of Education is essential
Those who are awarded once by CTEF(State/National) can apply for the next award only after 3 years.
General Secretary Award Committee Chairman